Phase 3

The key deliverable for year 3 will be a version of the RRM workflow that is able to model complex geometries and simulate challenging flow scenarios. As in the previous phase, the deliverables may be reviewed based on discussions with the industry partners.

Input Data (1)

The data import functions will be extended to include existing corner-point grid models.

Surface Extraction and Manipulation (2)

New surfaces can be extrapolated and created from the corner-point grid models, along with the other data sources incorporated in years 1 and 2. The database of templates for geological structures will be finalised based on the feedback from engineers and geologists at the industry partners. A set of tools for interactive multi-touch display surfaces will be integrated in the RRM framework.

Gridding (3)

The unstructured finite element and pillar gridding will be reviewed carefully to overcome possible limitations. Multi-point flux approximations may be implemented to ascertain flux-conservative results in the case of non-orthogonal grids and anisotropic permeability tensors.

Characterisation (4)

The libraries of rock and fluid properties will be finalised. This could include the provision of geostatistical modelling tools within the RRM workflow.

Computation (5)

Basic streamline calculations for single-phase flow computations will be incorporated on unstructured finite element/finite volume grids. Algorithms for this are readily available in the literature and will serve as the basis for our implementation. Including streamlines in the RRM framework has the following objectives:

  1. Visualise flow paths in the reservoir.
  2. Estimate swept reservoir volumes.
  3. Improve calculation of geomechanical response of the reservoir due to fluid injection/withdrawal.
  4. Identify and compare flow patterns, selecting sub-regions where relevant geomechanical phenomena such as reservoir compaction or fault reactivation may take place.
  5. Verify coupling with external optimisation tools.
  6. Be able to simulate this for multiple wells.

Exploratory Visual Analysis (6)

Existing operators will be expanded to continue providing new visualisation options for simulation and modelling results on desktop computers and interactive display surfaces as required by the industry partners.

Scenarios (7)

The RRM prototype will be tested jointly with researchers from the industry partners. Integrated training procedures will be developed jointly with engineers, geophysicists and geologists at the industry partners.

Output (8)

Further output interfaces to commercial packages will be provided as needed by the industry partners.