This project develops rapid reservoir modeling (RRM) software for prototyping complex reservoir models, by means of novel interactive modeling techniques, exploratory visualization, and numerical analysis. The new software does not replace existing workflows; rather, it supplements them by allowing the rapid testing of geologic concepts and how these impact on reservoir behavior.
RRM also facilitates the generation of reservoir geometries for consistent input to seismic, geomodel, geomechanical and flow simulation models, and the preservation of quantitative, 3D conceptual models for use in other studies that can be easily modified. The software is differentiated from other products by the rapid and intuitive generation of reservoir geometries using sketch-based interfaces and modeling (SBIM).
The project leverages existing workflows and software packages, by integrating unique expertise at three world-leading research groups at the academic partner institutions. It is also underpinned by existing (joint) research activities carried out by a large body of PhD and MSc students and postdoctoral researchers. The final product is based on software developed for 10+ years at the academic partners, but interfaces to standard commercial reservoir modeling and simulation packages at any stage of the RRM workflow, allowing continuous interchange of data and models.
For details on how RRM works, and for examples of projects developed using RRM, see our publications.
A key deliverable of the RRM project is the distribution of all algorithms and source code developed during the project to the industry sponsors. The industry sponsors are free to use the algorithms and code during/after the project, either to rewrite/adapt them for incorporation into proprietary workflows, or to liaise with commercial software developers to build their own RRM framework that interfaces with proprietary workflows and tools.
An Open Source version of RRM is available here via the GPLv3 license.